Last Sunday, my living room turned into Lego Land. Brennan spent all afternoon building ships, colonies, and all things Star Wars.
(Note the pile of laundry in the background? I do laundry once a week now and that is the beginning stage of getting it put up)
Thanks to Uncle Justin, Brennan has 1000's of pieces to create whatever his heart desires.

The beginnings of play...notice the legos are spread out ALL OVER.

Taking a break from all the hard work.

The details Brennan puts in his ships are exact. He can tell you exactly what each little brick represents and why it is in that particular spot.

Brennan loves to show his creations off, and didn't even mind posing for me, too.

Me, trying to learn about
bokeh. Not the best, not the worst.
Brennan is such a delightful kid. He's smart, surprising us every day with things he knows, he's funny, making funny comments without even knowing it, and he's creative. He does the best things with Legos. To some it might look like stacks, but to him, it is an entire world created by him, for him.
4 Words to brighten my day:
Brennan: Serious cutie heartthrob in the making! Those girls are going to be crushing on him when he gets to the 6th grade, mark my words!
That living room rug: To die for- I love the colors and pattern! Great photo shots by the way!
Lego built masterpieces: Super cool but probably not at my house! You're a brave woman. Those are the type of toys I discover {and not in a good way} with bare feet.
I will say that lego's do provides hours of entertainment. And you can't beat that.
i've thrown away my fair share of legos, trust me! if i step on one, it becomes MINE!
I love Brennan's creativity and he is seriously cute!! I don't have Legos yet, I think that makes me a horrible mother right? I cringe when I see toys with little pieces, a phobia of mine that I probably need to get over. Anyway, love the pictures and the hardwood floors!!
Oh and I know it has been a while since I have commented, my life has been super crazy. I don't know if I have said this before but I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the new blog layout, super cute!!
Aaron just showed me this online, and I thought of you too!
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