I recently discovered that one of my MOM friends has a great online store, Midwest Creations. She sells cart covers (to keep the babies safe, I think after my niece's scare with salmonella I need one), diaper bags (I want the one below!), and a few other items.
I absolutely love this shirt. I am thinking of ordering one for a friend who just had a baby girl. Isn't it just the cutest?
Kirsten also has the photography bug. She creates wall art that spells names. Right now on her blog, she is giving one print away...however, the catch is that YOU don't win, it is for you to give to someone else as a gift! If I win, another friend who is about to have a baby girl will be blessed to get one of these neat gifts.
Go here to enter her giveaway. If you win, you can always give it to me if you are looking for the perfect someone to share the love with. Oh, and if you enter, mention that you heard about the giveaway from Jessica a fellow MOM...I just want to see how many of you enter from this site.
Candy Microphones and Easter Basket Ideas
5 hours ago
5 Words to brighten my day:
Wow, that is a super cute shirt! I love the pictures, too. That is really unique!
The ribbon shirt is so cute! I've seen the name prints before and they are really neat. I hope your friend does well with her business!
That's an awesome picture. I love how unique and personalized it is!
Just dropping in to welcome you to SITS!
Hey there Jessica...I just wanted to say thanks for putting such kind and thoughtful words about me on your blog!! I can't wait to come back and see what else you have up your sleeve.
Thanks again,
Wow didn't think my last name could look so good! Very neat.
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