Monday, February 23, 2009

Not Me! Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

  • I did not eat a Little Debbie Nutter Butter for breakfast, iced animal cookies for a snack during church, a PB&J sandwich around 3 and then fried chicken. No, me, I only eat healthy foods.
  • I did NOT gain a pound between setting up the Wii Fit on Saturday night and doing it again on Sunday night (after my health friendly meals).
  • I was NOT glad that Bart had to deal with all of Brennan's upset stomach alone. Not me. Nope, I was wishing I didn't HAVE to go to church so I could clean up the floors, the bed, the boy.
  • I did NOT bribe my potty training two year old with the promise of any toy at Target if he'd just POOP IN THE POTTY! (He chose a $25 Little Einstein computer that gets taken away if he poops in his undies)
  • And finally, I did NOT got to Ethan's Physical Therapy having only brushed my teeth for about twenty seconds and thrown on the same clothes I wore yesterday. NOT ME...I am always beautiful and fresh and clean, even when I remember E Man's appointment is not at 11 but at 9:30 at 9.

Go check out everybody's NOT ME Monday's here and maybe post what you would definitely NOT be doing.

4 Words to brighten my day:

Mrs. M said... 1

I'm always gaining weight on the dang Wii fit - don't trust it! I say. I find myself avoiding it so I don't have to do the dreaded weight in. But I always make sure my clothes are REALLY heavy. ;-)

Ashley @ {Let Go, Laughing} said... 2

I have never gotten so frustrated at the Wii Fit that I just yelled "I give up" and the chose not to work out afterwards.

Great Not Me's!

Megan R. said... 3

Oh yay! Glad you are Not Me'ing! I don't sew...I have poor eyesight and can't see well to do it, but my Mom does. I'm hoping they make onesies in HUGE sizes!

Lexi said... 4

I did NOT yell at the vacuum cleaner and say 'Damn it!' 3 times in a row while beating it with the extension hose because Peyton ground in his Irish Meat Pie from dinner into the carpet. I mean, who would do such a thing like that? Completely preposterous! :-)