A Monster and a LEGO
(To start off the night, BIG sugar cookies from a thank you cookie bouquet from Bart's work...this is before dinner even!)
To end our Halloween festivities, we invited a family to come trick-or-treating with us in our neighborhood.
I had it all figured out...route, stroller to lean on/dump heavy candy in, the works.
I think it went pretty well. We have two boys who have huge bellies full of sugary goodness who would agree.
However, the beginning of the evening didn't start off with a bang, at least not for Brennan. He'd abandoned his vampire costume and moved on to being a blue LEGO. I'd made a blue LEGO costume just as the internet and my good ole creative mind told me to, and I'd went to FIVE stores on Halloween day to hunt down some blue hairspray. I was feeling excited (though I was worried about the cheese/lame-o factor going on with this homemade outfit) for the evening and had Brennan come get his hair ready.
He wanted NO PART of getting all blue hair.
When I was done spraying it all in, he starts panicking..."Mom, people will LAUGH at me! Wash it out now!" as he dives for the bathtub.
"No time, Brennan, we are about to go to Burger King and enjoy their cheap cheeseburgers and free fries in honor of this holy of holy holidays."
We had an unhappy Brennan on our hands, but made the journey to BK.
After him seeing a few weird costumes there, he was feeling fine (or had forgotten about the blue color) and ready to hit the road.
It was a lot of fun and the boys are already planning out what they want to be next year (maybe if I am really lucky, I can find those costumes on clearance sale today and have next year taken care of...no banana-alien-cat-clown-monsters here.).
Go here for more pictures. (You'll get to see some cute ones of my nieces, too!)
6 Words to brighten my day:
the costumes look fantastic!! I love home made costumes, but I did not have the motivation this year.
Hey, could you send me the pic from trunk or treat? (if it came out, that is) my mom was disappointed that I didn't have any with all of us in them. Hello!?! The mom is always holding the camera! LOL
Good costumes, lots of candy, not too cold - what more can you ask for on Halloween? I remember taking ya'll trick-or-treating in Utah one year and it was so cold, we could hit 3 or 4 houses and the had to go home to warm up a bit! Chilly doesn't BEGIN to describe it!!
We had the same number of T-or-T'ers we have had each year for the past 16 years - none at all. Which may not be a bad thing....
I love the Lego costume. Super cute! Walgreens had all their Halloween stuff 50% off already if you are looking for next year's costume. I ended up buying more candy corn. Not that we need more candy after Mileena filled her entire pumpkin pail with candy.
wow! i really like the lego costume! that is awesome! i guess that might be because i love legos myself, but i don't think it is cheesy or lame. at least you took the time to make them. maybe next year for me...and i hear you with the D.V. and P's. lol. variety is nice
Um, how could you NOT know that Brennan was a lego? I knew it right away before you even said what he was! :-0 That costume was awesome and the banana cat alien monster was hilarious. That's one to remember. "So Mom, what costumes did I dress up in when I was little?" "Well Jackson, one year, you wanted to be a banana cat alien monster so that's what you were!" Now how many banana cat alien monsters and blue legos do you see every Halloween? I think it's awesome that they were something different other than the super hero/ darth vader/ typical boy costume. I think you should get the Mom of the year award for pulling off super cool and unique costumes this year. Now what should Ethan be next year? Hmmm...
Love the pics. great job on the costumes. That is hilarious about Brennan's blue hair. Kids are so funny sometimes.
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