So, after receiving an email from Barb predicting the time and date of the baby's birth, I decided to do a contest.
If you guess the exactly correct time/date of the baby's birth (not just day, but minute and hour, a.m. or p.m.) OR the exactly correct weight, I will give you a prize of some sort. (though Stacy says don't hold your breath...she's still waiting on a prize from the spring!) I do not know what yet, but I know it will be fun. I wish I'd thought of this weeks ago.
Helpful Hints:
1. Barb guessed 7:37 p.m. this Sunday, so you can't use that combo.
2. I am scheduled to be induced Tuesday, Nov. 18 (Fat Baby's due date) at 7 a.m. if he is not out on his own, so I'd be willing to bet guessing Wednesday would make you a loser.
3. Friday morning I was 3 (almost 4) cm and 70% effaced.
4. I experienced a decent amount of contractions Friday and maybe 10 or so today.
Good Luck!!!!!
Candy Microphones and Easter Basket Ideas
13 hours ago
14 Words to brighten my day:
Sunday 3:43 am =)
Sunday, 4:34 p.m., 8 pounds 9 ounces
Good luck!!!
Tuesday at 346 pm. Hopefully, I'm wrong for your sake :}
tuesday at 12:22pm
Good luck, Jessica! :) keeley
Monday 9:28 am:) love you!! hey melissa is giving me some of baby jack's clothes that she didnt use with landon & some disposable nursing pads... do you want me to send them to you??
Sunday at 7:37pm......November 16th
8-lbs 3oz...... 19 1/2" long with dark hair and blue eyes
Tuesday, 12:15 p.m.
8 lbs. 5 oz.
20 in.
Monday @ 11:36 pm
Weighing in at 8 lbs 2 0z
Be nice to your Mom these next few days, fat baby!
Good luck Jess!
Well I had Ava exactly 4 hours after getting induced. So I'm going to assume your doctor is 14 minutes late and say 11:14 am on Tuesday Nov. 18. Also, he'll be 7 lbs 6 oz.
Tuesday 11:47am, 7lbs. 12oz. I told you to forget about the prize. Your conscience is as bad as mine:) PS I tried to make a book on Snapfish, but it's lost and now I can't get a free one. WHAAAA!
Monday at 11:27pm
7lbs. 4oz.
Let's see...
My guess is Tuesday, 7:12 AM. It could happen!
And let's say 9 pounds even. :D
Tuesday around 5pm, 7lbs 9oz, after a completely pain free labor and delivery :D
tues 11-18 10:30 am
8.5 lbs
good luck!!!
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