Those are some of the traditional words uttered at a wedding as a bride and a groom go from being two to one.
Last night, around 3 a.m. or so, I realized that those words are not only for supporting our husbands and wives, but also for supporting what comes after...our children.
We support them in sickness...

And in health...
Though, after the night Bart and I had with Jackson, I can tell you with 100% surety...I like the "in health" part a whole lot more.
Jackson woke up from his nap yesterday with a 103 degree fever, this came out of the blue. He starting whining/crying/wanting to be held and basically hasn't stopped since then (though Yo-Gabba Gabba, or "the monster show" as J. calls it, is keeping him quiet right now). A trip to his fabulous doctor, Dr. Walters, gave us the diagnosis of pneumonia this morning. Two shots and an oral antibiotic and we are home to wait it out.
It isn't "bad", but it isn't "good", either. (is there such thing as a "good" sickness?) He has to go back tomorrow to see how he is doing. Hopefully better. I'd rather NOT see the inside of a hospital until it is MY turn to go in and have Fat Baby come OUT!
Man, and I was so excited to get to go to my OB appointment alone (think of the 38.7 week appt...) this time. At least he's little and can hang out in his stroller at the north end of my body.
Oh, well. Hopefully the rest of us stay in the "in health" zone. I don't think I can handle more then one "in sickness" at a time.
Found at or somewhere like that:
If your child has bacterial pneumonia, she'll probably have sudden symptoms — high fever, rapid breathing, and coughing. She won't want to eat, and she'll seem very ill. She may have trouble breathing (look for flaring nostrils her chest might sink in as she breathes) or she may breathe faster. She may have a faster pulse, and bluish lips or nails. She may seem weak, vomit, or have diarrhea.
5 Words to brighten my day:
I'm so sorry Jess. Getting sick is the pits but watching your loved ones be sick and not being able to do much for them is far worse in my opinion. I hope Jackson feels better soon and that the rest of you stay healthy. Poor little guy. :-(
Poor Jackson. I hope he gets feeling better fast. No fun for you. Let me know if there's anything you need.
Oh, and since you asked and I just remembered, Sarah's probably not going to kindergarten next year. Most school district's cutoffs are before her birthday. I really don't know for sure though, since I have no clue where we'll be next year.
We really do need to get Sarah and Brennan together more, since she's always talking about him too. I think it's so cute.
I sure hope Jackson gets to feeling better and I really hope nobody else gets sick, you especially. Taking care of a new baby is challenging enough, but taking care of a new baby and sick family or trying to take care of yourself, too - not a good situation.
That's no good. I hope Jackson gets to feeling better. Kailey had hand foot and mouth about 6 mo. ago and it was horrible. I sure hope that y'all get this all worked out before the new baby gets here.
i must agree i hate when the kids get sick, and feeling so helpless. hope everything improves really quickly.
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