The little prince has arrived. Ethan Pierre Remington arrived to Queen Jessie and King Bart Nov 18, 2008 at 12:51 p.m. He is a grand 9lbs 10 oz and 22inches long. He arrived pain free for mom and sideways for the dr. There were no problems and Queen and prince are doing fine. I haven't yet received pictures of the royal prince but when i do i will post them. Her royal hiness (sp) can tell you all the details when she arrives back to her castle with her new bundle. Ethan your royal court can't wait to meet you. We love you very much!
Candy Microphones and Easter Basket Ideas
14 hours ago
15 Words to brighten my day:
Congrats! What a big boy, WOW! Can't wait to see the pictures. Glad everyone is doing well.
Yeah! Happy to hear everything went smoothly. 9lbs wow!
i guess he lived up to his nickname "fat baby" at almost 10 lbs. good thing everything was smooth! that's always a plus!
I can't get over how huge he is!!!! Good thing for drugs eh! No way you would want to do that all natural... Congrats Jessica.
Fat Baby indeed! These babies seem to get bigger and bigger, the more you have! Sara was almost 9 lb. I am afraid to know how big my next one will be.
At any rate, I'm glad y'all are well. Hooray for new babies!
Congratulations!!! I can't wait to see pictures of the little guy!!
Holy fat baby, Batman!! We're super excited for you! I can't wait to see his chubby little face!
Yay!!! How wonderful :D
congratulations!! glad everything went well and that fat baby has arrived. (and i thought my kid was big!)
Congratulations! I'm looking forward to seeing pictures of the big boy!
Warm wishes to you on being blessed with a beautiful and healthy baby boy.
Welcome royal prince! The rest of your royal court is waiting to adore you. Come home soon!
Congrats Bart, Jessica, Brennan and Jackson!
Wow, you really weren't kidding with that nickname :) I'm glad that everyone is doing well. So, I'm dying to know, does he look the other McClure-looking babies or is he totally different?? Whoever he looks like I'm sure he is super cute (chubby babies are always cute). I can't wait to see pictures!
DANG girl! you weren't kidding with "fat baby" now were you? And what's this "sideways" business? Are you okay?!
I'm glad to hear that everything went well. We're thinking of you and sending love.
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