Ethan's birth was pretty uneventful, other then the whole epidural deciding to stop working (I guess that is what happened), intense pain, nausea, shivers, epidural button pushed twice, still intense pain, anesthesiologist called in, injects icy cold pain med. directly into epidural...sweet relief, jello legs, shivers, oxygen, pushing for about an hour, resting with eyes closed between pushes (can you nap while in active labor?) baby, shivers.
Other then that, your normal trip to labor and delivery. I was supposed to be induced, and I was, but when I was checked, I was already about 5 cm and having contractions on my own, so basically the drugs just sped up what nature wanted to happen anyways. It's a good thing, too, because with Ethan being so large, and turned "sunny side up", I'd hate to think what might have happened if he'd cooked a few days longer. "Sunny side up" just means he was turned up instead of down and my OB had to do some maneuvers to get him in the correct birthing position. BUT, due to the high amount of pain meds in my system, I didn't feel a thing, so that was fine with me.
Ethan went home weighing in at exactly 9 lbs, but I am sure by now he's gained small bit back. We are doing great and having fun learning about him. He is very quiet, crying only when he is hungry or dirty or hit in the head on accident with a book by his brother. His big brothers are having a blast learning about babies...everything from where milk comes from to who is biggest of the brothers to how to hold Ethan properly. Both boys so far adore Ethan, clamoring around his bassinet and going first to Ethan in the morning, then Mommy. I wonder if they are checking to see if Ethan is really still here, or if he went away.
Having my parents here is great. With Brennan, my mom was there for the birth, but had to go home and recover from a major surgery she had just had. With Jackson, my mom kept Brennan in Vidalia for a while, a major blessing as we learned what made Jack tick. This time, because they live so far away and keeping the boys at their place was not an option, they came here. It's been nice to visit, experiment with some of my mom's cake ideas, and just relax. Today, four day old Ethan and I took my mom to breakfast and a movie for her upcoming birthday, but I will post about that tomorrow.
Well, it's 10:25 p.m., Ethan ate one hour ago and is asleep, so I better do the same.
Pictures: top: Thanks Dawne for the adorable hat. It fits Ethan great and is very cute with the Pooh outfit Jackson picked out (though I personally am not a huge fan of any type of poo!)
bottom: my three boys dressed up for the LSU game. Too bad it was for nothing.
Title comes from Berenstien Bears book "The Spooky Old Tree". As I was in labor, I kept shivering uncontrollably, and that line from the story kept running through my head.
Candy Microphones and Easter Basket Ideas
14 hours ago
9 Words to brighten my day:
looks like you did a great job! i agree with the parent thing. if my folks weren't here i don't know how i'd have survived the last week and a half. we'll have to get our boys together some time to hang out and watch football!
Congrats on three handsome, precious boys!
He is so precious!! You have such a beautiful family!! Congrats!!
Shivers, nausea....ugh. Thankfully all of that goes away after you deliver! I agree with Lori- sounds like you did a great job especially considering your epideral relief was intermittant!
The boys are absolutely adorable with baby Ethan. I think it is so cute that they go and check up on him every morning!
I probably won't have any cute stories to tell about Peyton because he is pretty oblivious- I think he'll just be puzzled why there's this crying person in our house ;-)
Ethan sounds like my kind of baby- only cries when somethings wrong or he needs something. Maybe I'll get that kind of baby next time...Glad you're having fun visiting with the fam- and smart girl, you already got out of the house!
I waited too long for my first outing and went stir crazy with depression. Sounds like you're in a good place so far!
Super awesome're gonna have three heartbreakers!
Glad to hear all is well and it great having parents to help out! I love the boys n their LSU gear super cute!
He looks so sweet! You look great in all of the pictures, too. I remember those shivers. It's a little frightening. Best of luck to your cute little family!
He is sooo cute!
Aww, he's adorable. I can never remember which side they are suppose to facing during delivery, I love the "sunny side up" term.
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