Both boys got the flu shot, as I mentioned earlier.
Neither boy was brave. I think we were in a soundproof room when the two nurses administered the shots.
Jackson still got to go to Chuck E. Cheese.
We'll see if Brennan still gets his goldfish...
And the flu vac. may wear off before the end of the season, but I don't think I would have had the strength to pin the boys down in a few more weeks, not with Fat Baby growing and growing.
As it is, I their face as I pinned them to the exam table one by one...about their reactions(it was funny). And to think, I would do the same thing if I was in their shoes. (FYI, I am not exactly a compassionate girlie...ask me to tell you about when I saw Titanic in the theaters one day.)
Candy Microphones and Easter Basket Ideas
7 hours ago
4 Words to brighten my day:
You are too funny!!! I will think of you and your boys when I take my kids to get their shots!
*knock on wood* both boys have handled their shots VERY well so far. I do not expect to be so lucky when they get older!
I have a confession to make; I have sometimes laughed at the dr's office too. And I still laugh every time Peyton tries to hide from the vaccumm cleaner (behind a pillow or a book like it can't get you then).
And what don't you like about the Titanic? You didn't like the part where she says "I'll never let you go Jack" and then DOES? That was pretty funny to me too. :-0
You sound like me. Moms tend to look at me funny at playgrounds and parks when I don't jump up and run to my kids when they fall or start crying. I try to make them laugh instead - it works wonders! And I must admit, I didn't even think about crying in Titanic. I was too busy admiring the nice special effects of the boat sinking.
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