Day 3 apparently went okay because Big Brother was pretty happy on the trip home. Of course, we walked 1/2 way with one friend from class (Willa) and the rest of the way with another friend (Dillon).
We've discovered a much less strenuous way to walk to school (but about the same distance, maybe a little shorter), so my calves are thanking me. We were going UP and DOWN a rather large we just go down (or up on the way home) the end of the hill and the rest is smooth sailing. This will be very good once I am pushing a double stroller!
Big Brother is not one to be without friends. Everywhere we go he instantly makes a few. On the walk home today he invited both of his classmates over for a play date. NO WAY! was my thought, but "Not today" was what was spoken out loud. I still have laundry to put away (at least it is folded and in a basket...that's a plus) and dinner to cook tonight and the toy room shelves to finish building and the list goes on and on. I don't want one of Big Brother's classmates going home telling his mommy how awful my house is. I guess this will motivate me to keep it clean...maybe...but then again, old habits die hard.
Candy Microphones and Easter Basket Ideas
7 hours ago
2 Words to brighten my day:
Boy do old habits die hard. I invite people over, just so my house can be clean. The worst is the surprise visit. I hope I get better when I have kids, course i'm not holding my breath for either at this point. :)
At least he's not shy, right? Sarah reminds me of Brennan a lot sometimes. Wherever we go she starts talking to anyone who will listen and she usually invites them over to our house too. Except when she's with you...then she invites herself over to your house (which I really wouldn't call messy, by the way).
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