Monday, April 25, 2011

Reflections (My 1000 post. Not sure I've ever done 1000 of anything)

When I started my blog, in May of 2007, it was to stay connected with the friends and family I'd left behind in Louisiana.  I was so thankful they had blogs and I could keep up with my friends I was missing like crazy.  I was glad they could see what we were doing here in Nebraska as well.

The boys were 3 (Brennan) and 1 (Jackson) and Ethan wasn't even a thought in the back of my  mind ;)

I didn't know what would be of my blog, thinking it'd just be a place to share little stories and such.  I had no idea that it would help me make new "friends"...people I will probably never meet but who support me and encourage me to keep going.  I didn't know that I'd become addicted to following the stories of people near and far, both FIRL and those cyber buddies as well.

For a while I did blog stuff, what's not to love, right?  But...I found I was not sharing stories about my family, I was not doing things I wanted to do, so slowly that went the way of the dinosaurs....thus no giveaways for hitting 1000 posts :)
Besides, we all know, most followers you gain from a giveaway aren't there through thick and thin...though I have made a few cyber friends from blogs I found via giveaways...and I'm not complaining about the things I have given away or won because of them.

Anyway, back to the blog.  I love my blog because it's a place to show off my kids achievements (I won't lie, I am a bit prideful when it comes to my 3 sons), complain about those hard days, and just voice thoughts floating around my head.  If I wrote as many posts as I think, "Oh, I should write about this" and start composing in my head, I'd be far beyond 1000 posts by now.

So...Happy Easter.  And thanks for hanging around...especially those of you who have been around since the beginning.

1 Words to brighten my day:

Angelkris said...

I love your Easter outfit! You look smashing in it.