A Winter Wonderland and Kris helping Brennan with a clue (by the way, that is a stained glass gingerbread piece, with light shining through)

A gingerbread mansion (from the back) and a pirate ship of gingerbread)

Gingerbread train (the best one, though there were lots) and a gingerbread amusement park...the roller coaster actually goes into the smartie mountain!)

Pretty in Pink...and all of us mom's and our cute kids.

This is the same house from front and behind. The detail they put onto the people inside is phenomenal!
Today a few of of my friends and I got together to go see the gingerbread displays at the Mormon Trail Center. People from all over Omaha make these amazing (and a few mediocre) gingerbread houses, trains, tractors, churches, etc, etc. It was a lot of fun. Brennan had a blast looking for clues to win a prize. I am amazed at how much time and effort went into this event.
6 Words to brighten my day:
Wow- that looks like gingerbread heaven! What a cool activity! I'm supposed to be preparing our gingerbread kit to decorate tonight but seeing all of those cool pieces of art makes me think that I should just skip it and eat it out of the box- just layer on the frosting, throw some candy on top and take a big bite. Ok, ok- really we probably will decorate it- but NO LAUGHING after you've seen the masterpieces!
Wow! Those are amazing! I've never had the courage to decorate a gingerbread house, and after seeing those I know my own would definately pale in comparison. I think I'll stick to cakes.
we did a mom's group activity at kim wesley's where we decorated home made (thanks kim, they were awesome!) houses she made. it was a lot of fun. i think i am going to try and make something next year. maybe LSU stadium or a cutout of jacksons head or something...
Next year?! What are you waitin' for? Just kidding. How about Jackson's head IN Death Valley?
those were very impresive
I keep meaning to go see all the gingerbread houses! Isn't it amazing what people can do with gingerbread? You should definitely do an LSU one next year. That would be hilarious!
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