Brennan's first school Christmas program. The preschool class and kindergarten class sang together. They were the best performers, but I am a bit biased.

Sledding down the BIG hill.

Jackson loved it more than anyone else. He refused to get off the sled, even when it wasn't his turn.

Bart and Jackson

Brennan took a bit of warming up before he'd go down the BIG hill. He mostly stayed to the side on a smaller hill by himself, though he did go down the BIG hill once with me and once with Bart.
3 Words to brighten my day:
Yay! You did it! Did you have a blast? I miss sledding so much. I was never one for skiing (the thought of flying down the hill on two narrow planks terrified me) and snow boarding was out of the question too. I did enjoy me some fun sledding. I'm glad you got a chance to get out in the snow this year!
just a few more days and we get to see you. we can't wait. oh yeah and brooklyn loves the music
Ok so now I am jealous. I remember the few times it snowed in Seattle and we were able to go sledding like right by our house. I am sooo... jealous. Do you find it was that cold? I remember it being the same kind of cold in the south. so happy for yall!
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