Santa never sleeps at this house. It seems there's always a last minute 'this' or a last minute 'that' that must be had so it's off to work he goes! It's always down to the wire with X-mas- I'm always excited Christmas Eve because Santa is officially FINISHED with shopping (whether or not the 'this' or the 'that' was found!) ;-)
3 Words to brighten my day:
i can proudly say all of my christmas shopping is done. now i can sit back and enjoy the season
Santa never sleeps at this house. It seems there's always a last minute 'this' or a last minute 'that' that must be had so it's off to work he goes! It's always down to the wire with X-mas- I'm always excited Christmas Eve because Santa is officially FINISHED with shopping (whether or not the 'this' or the 'that' was found!) ;-)
Ah- I still have so much to do!
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