I seem to have started a tradition...a picture ordering tradition. I used to order pictures frequently, never going more then two or three months without having the most current pictures on hand. Then...along came baby #2, AKA Jackson. It seems that having two little ones takes a bit more time then one, and I find myself ordering pictures once a year. So, as you can imagine, the order I placed was rather large...as you can see from the rather large box. I don't think this is a good tradition...shipping wasn't exactly an inexpensive flat rate (though they were .06 cents a print) and I don't like to be so far behind in my scrapbooking. Maybe, just maybe, if I get caught up with all the treasures in this box I'll be able to to do as I did before life got a lot more fun and be really up to date in the scrapbooking department...
A girl can dream, can't she?
Is Perfectionism Hurting Your Sex Life?
17 hours ago
4 Words to brighten my day:
I'm hopelessly behind! Good luck catching up. Where do you get your prints from?
I used winkflash. They were having a good sale, and usually they are only .12 cents each. I just upload my pictures every few months and watch my total grow and grow:)
WOW- that is one gian-ormous box of pictures! Good luck on playing catch up ;-)
There's just 600...
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