Bren "Abraham Lincoln is on the penny. And I wonder why he's on the dollar, too."
Bart "He's not on the dollar. Do you know who Abraham Lincoln was?"
Bren "I'll show you when my penny was made. It was made in 1962. That's pretty old."
Bart "That's older than Dad."
Bren "46 years. Whoa!"
Bren "President's day is...I don't have a clue. It's just when presidents come."
Jess "come where?"
Bren "To church. To teach people. President's Day is all about presidents."
Is Perfectionism Hurting Your Sex Life?
16 hours ago
2 Words to brighten my day:
Where do they come up with this stuff? So cute!
Sounds like church will be a little more exciting on Sunday... :D Maybe I should give Jon the heads up.
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