I followed some links and wound up here, so I decided to do a Gratituesday post as well.I love that Jackson gives the best hugs in the world...and I esp. love when he chases you around screaming, "HUG! HUG! HUG!" like a monster.
I love Brennan's ability to learn new things. Whether he's reading a new book and sounding out words or trying to figure out a new fun thing to do with snow, he is never discouraged from his task.
I love when Ethan laughs and smiles as I change his diaper. It's like he's saying, "Thanks Mommy, for making me dry and clean."
I love Bart's sense of might be a tiny bit annoying at times (shower incident of 2000), but he never fails to make me laugh.
I am grateful for my family and the wonderful things they add to my life each and every day.
I also LOVE Bart's Aunt Sue's homemade SOY CANDLES. PawPaw Noah Pierre Falgout made candles in his later years and Aunt Sue has continued the tradition. Here is some information about her to-die-for candles. (I was seriously depressed the last time mine ran out)

Chandelles de Madame Soy Candles have many benefits:
Eco-friendly candles from an American grown, renewable product – soybeans
A natural, non-petroleum alternative to paraffin based waxes
Lead free, carbon neutral & clean burning (virtually soot free)
Soy candles burn much longer than paraffin candles, leaving no residual toxins or waste
So, for one lucky reader, you will get to choose between Black Canyon and Cucumber Melon scents. To be honest, I can't choose which one smells best. Right now I'm burning "Jamaican Me Crazy" and my house smells just Beachy. You have no idea how happy I was when I got this package in the mail.
To win? All you have to do is tell me one thing you are grateful for and why. You can enter once a day. Follow me and leave a separate comment for one additional entry (only one, not one every day for following, got it?). Earn one more entry by following me on Twitter (JessieLeigh1979) or blogging about it. And yep, if you don't leave a separate comment telling me each thing you have done, you just don't get those extra entries.
Contest ends 2/14, VALENTINE'S DAY!
Make sure there is some way to contact you b/c winner has 48 hours to respond to my email and pick the scent.
Oh, and if you don't win this time, stay tuned for a few weeks...I'll be giving the other candle away then.
So, for one lucky reader, you will get to choose between Black Canyon and Cucumber Melon scents. To be honest, I can't choose which one smells best. Right now I'm burning "Jamaican Me Crazy" and my house smells just Beachy. You have no idea how happy I was when I got this package in the mail.
To win? All you have to do is tell me one thing you are grateful for and why. You can enter once a day. Follow me and leave a separate comment for one additional entry (only one, not one every day for following, got it?). Earn one more entry by following me on Twitter (JessieLeigh1979) or blogging about it. And yep, if you don't leave a separate comment telling me each thing you have done, you just don't get those extra entries.
Contest ends 2/14, VALENTINE'S DAY!
Make sure there is some way to contact you b/c winner has 48 hours to respond to my email and pick the scent.
Oh, and if you don't win this time, stay tuned for a few weeks...I'll be giving the other candle away then.
59 Words to brighten my day:
I just want to know where you got your adorable new header!
What a great idea! I used to make gratitude lists all the time, and stopped. Thanks for reminding me! I am grateful for my husband, who, no matter how tired he is after working 12 hours at a dirty, physical, job. He always comes home with a smile, and tells me I'm beautiful, even if I haven't brushed my hair, or gotten dressed for the day yet.
Welcome to GratiTuesday. What a sweet family you have! And what a precious mom you are for noticing their good points.
I am thankful for my health. I am glad I am able to enjoy life with my family.
And I love the new header too!!=)
And is the extra for new followers? Because I am a FAITHFUL follower! LOL! =)
I am grateful that someone came up with the idea of making blogs- without mine, I would feel pretty lonely and out of touch with everyone across the country! It's fun to watch babies grow and to hear fun adventures from all of my friends and I would sure miss it if it was gone.
BTW; Where can I get one of these candles by your Aunt that you've told me about so many times? :-0 I'm looking for a new {favorite} scented candle!
It's hard to choose one thing that I'm grateful for. Hmmmm...I'm grateful for my husband, who tells me he thinks I'm hot when I feel like I resemble a manatee.
I follow you here!
sashafras @ yahoo. com
I follow you on Twitter now too!
sashafras @
I am grateful for a husband that has adjusted his schedule and is willing to take care of the kids more so that I can go to school!
I'm grateful for my two beautiful children.
I could load you up with what I'm grateful for!
I guess I'm most grateful for my husband. He gets home from work before me, and ALWAYS has supper on the table when I get here!
i am especially thankful for my sister and the wonderful example she is for me in my life. shes my best friend.
I am grateful that someone calls me "Moma". Thanks for the chance!
I'm a follower.
I follow you on twitter.
I am grateful for my family. They bring joy to my life.
I follow your blog.
I am grateful for my kids they just got over cold and are all healthy now.
I'm grateful for my two sons and my wonderful husband. Also for the roof over my head, my job,and all my friends and family. Thanks for the great giveaway!
I'm following you!
I am grateful for your friendship, and the other awesome ladies on MOM.
I'm a follower. =)
I do love to burn candles! And the best overall scent in the air one was a soy candle.
I am grateful for a loving sovereign God, who gave me a wonderful man, six children and now 7 grandchildren! (so far). What a blessed woman I am!
I am grateful for the support of friends and family as my husband and I prepare to give birth in April!
Thanks for a great giveaway!
I am grateful for having a job I love!
ashlomb at yahoo dot com
I'm guessing this is the same spot where we enter daily so here goes...
I am grateful for nature- is there nothing more beautiful than tall majestic trees and lush green grass? I love the mountains and the oceans and deserts and the plains. I love flowers and rocks and all of the delightful delicate details that God has created for us to see and enjoy. I love it all!
that is easy - I am so grateful for my kids!
now follow on twitter!
i'm grateful for my kids - can't imagine life without them
twitter follower
ashlomb at yahoo dot com
I love scented candles. These sound great. I'd love to try them.
Hmmm. I am grateful for my husband and my children.
I'm grateful for my family! Even though they drive me insane they keep me sane - does that make any sense?
I'm grateful for my wonderful hubby, my sweet son and for having a job in this crappy economy that allows my hubby to be a stay at home dad
adams006 at hotmail dot com
I am grateful for my good health :)
I am grateful for my family - my wonderful husband, my 12yr old daughter and my one year old son. They make all my days very special
dctm at bellsouth dot net
I am grateful for my family!!
jrandtam at columbus dot rr dot com
I blogged about this on:
jrandtam at columbus dot rr dot com
I love soy candles and would love to win these ! I am greatful for my 3 beautiful children
I am grateful to have a son and a daughter{to-be!} and to be DONE having children after my daughter is born! :-)
I'm grateful that I have a job and am able to live independently.
I am grateful that I have a HEALTHY beautiful smart little boy. :)
I am thankful for my beautiful family.
i'm grateful for firewood on a cold morning :)
I'm grateful for my family...they're always there when I need them.
I am grateful that my sister and BIL are finally coming home from germany today!!
Today I'm grateful for a husband who loves and cares for me, who is patient when I'm spastic and loves me in spite of all of my faults. I love that he thinks that I'm still beautiful even when I don't feel like I am and that he still wants to be with me every free minute he has even after 6 years of marriage. I feel so blessed to have him!
I am grateful for my children who always keep me laughing, playing and looking at the simple things in life with awe. Thanks for the giveaway. mybabyappleseed(at)yahoo(dot)ca
I am grateful for my beautiful daughter. She gives me a reason to wake up every day even when things look too bleak to continue on. She keeps me strong and keeps me happy.
I am grateful for my health and amazing, supportive boyfriend!! thank you for the giveaway.
caitlinhyla (AT) gmail (DOT) com
i am grateful that my dad's cancer is in remission!! i don't want to lose him!
I am grateful for my husband and kids and pets.
I am grateful for family :)
I'm grateful for my loved ones! Thanks for this giveaway. :)
hmmm, so much to be grateful for! today is a good day to be grateful for my husband.
I am grateful for my children.
I follow on twitter. (donnak4)
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