Roses: Well, Bart got the message of my desire for roses. Today he got a ride to the florist (we share a car, remember?), picked these peach beauties, dropped them off, and went back to work.
I was not expecting this, so when I saw someone coming into the backyard, I got a little nervous. Then the person came to the door and started to unlock it...all of this after I thought I'd heard someone at the front door, but I knew the mail man had already passed. (The front screen was locked) So, when Bart pops in, talk about freak me out!
It was a great surprise, though, and I love them.
Thanks Bart. I love you!!!!!
Cakes: I am a baking fool today. I have to bake a cake for Bart's work for tomorrow (earthquake cake), a heart shaped stacked cake for Brennan's school (a treat for all the teachers...a just because), and make one more round of heart sugar cookies for the big Valentine's play date tomorrow. Man alive, I wish I had two stoves like my mama.
P.T.: Ethan had Physical Therapy today. He actually cooperated (as much as a 12 week old can) and did great. He has almost a full range of motion and doesn't have to go for a week and a half. If he's still improving, I bet we are done. Now all we need to do is get his hearing checked and he will be good to go. I think he needs his hearing checked because he does not look/startle at things when called upon. Like, shake a rattle in his ear, he doesn't turn his head unless he sees you. Clap really loudly (or yell like a wild woman) behind him and nothing. Now, he might just be used to/tolerant of loud noises, but it is much easier/safer for me to get it checked out then worry all the time. And those of you who know me know that generally I am not a worrier.
That's it for Day Three of Valentine's Week...I gotta go get BAKING!
Don't forget about our giveaway. See Tuesday's entry.
Candy Microphones and Easter Basket Ideas
13 hours ago
3 Words to brighten my day:
Those are beautiful roses! I love getting roses that are different colors- I mean red ones are pretty and all, but they are so traditional- you know?! Those peach ones are sublime!
Troy scares me sometimes by coming home early once in a blue moon too. Sometimes he calls and forewarns me, but his favorite is just to walk on in and sneak up on me when I'm vacuuming or in a zone doing something. I guess it wouldn't be as bad if we lived in a house because he would be the only one with a key {or at least I hope!} but living in an apartment is creepy because who knows who has access to your front door {like Maintenance or the Pest Control people}?!
I'm glad Ethan is doing so great with his therapy! It sounds like he'll be good to go soon. And I know you're not a worrier {I'm not either} so I think his hearing will be ok. I remember there for a while Peyton did the same thing as a newborn as far as not getting startled and such, but I think it was just part of his {whatever Mom!} personality.
I'm so glad that we have the technology and equipment we have these days to catch things early though because at least you'll have some peace of mind and a plan to address it no matter which way it goes!
Those roses are beautiful! I wish I had the baking spirit like you do. I am doing better with dinner menu planning, so that's a start!
I can't remember the last time I heard the saying "Man alive" - you crack me up!
That was really nice that Bart got you those roses, especially since he didn't have a car. It just means more when more effort is put into it like that. What a sweet husband!
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