Bart has really been missing home (Louisiana), particularly a pastry known as the KING CAKE. It is almost Mardi Gras and because of living in NE, there are no king cakes (except maybe at a grocery store in Lincoln I was told), no monster parades, no cheap beads to be fought over and worn with pride, and no cups thrown at parades to come home and be coveted over.
I tried making a king cake, but it was not the same. In a conversation I had with Bart's Aunt Linda, she gave me a recipe to use for the cream cheese filling, which improved the cake, but it was still not a true KING CAKE.
Well, imagine my surprise when I come home this morning and find this box at my front door.
Candy Microphones and Easter Basket Ideas
12 hours ago
8 Words to brighten my day:
Where I used to work, we would get a couple of King Cakes shipped to us every year. It was good and a lot of fun...but I still don't miss working!! :-)
How awesome!! I've only ever driven through Louisiana, and I've never had King Cake. It looks yummy!
I {heart} King Cakes. Especially from Ambrosia in BR. This season Aaron has gotten the baby twice. Dang it. We can't afford to keep buying all these cakes:)
Back when I worked in the real world, one of the sales reps my team supported used to ship us King cake every, did we love that cake and all the fun of trying to "get the baby".
Hope you all enjoy!! I'd be happy to "borrow" the 6 or so necklaces Nanna has (from a party her daddy and I attended without and throw them at you next time I see you if you'd like!
We had a King Cake from the grocery store here at our Super Bowl party and it wasn't the same :-( There's just something about them coming from the cool bakeries that makes them extra special. I am half tempted to half one shipped even though they cost a pretty penny. It would be so worth it though! You are one lucky duck!
Lucky!!!! We used to get ours from Ambrosia's as well, mmmm King Cake. I guess it is a good thing that we don't live in Louisiana anymore, especially since I am on a diet. Eat a piece for me!!
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Looks like a party in a box. That's one party I'd like to be invited to.
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