- Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake, baker's man.
- Bake me a cake as fast as you can.
- Pat it and roll it and mark it with "B"
- And put it in the oven for Baby and me.
For my birthday, the boys (on their own...honestly. I was going to bake a cheesecake!) decided I needed a cake and that they would bake it. So, we set off to Target (where else? We needed to see the post-Christmas sale stuff, anyways!) and the boys picked what to bake. Brennan, being older, got to pick first. He picked a white cake with sprinkles already in the mix. Jackson, being wiser, got to pick the frosting. He picked pink vanilla with sprinkles. Then, we got home and the boys got to work, just like their Grandma Cupcake does.

Ready to bake me a cake as fast as they can.
(I'm on the lookout for some great fabric for MAN aprons. I think my mom has some SpiderMan or tractor prints I might steal this summer)

The best sprinkle application technique? Tossing it with all your might. (I guess this would be the "Mark it with a "B" for Baby and me...which I never understood. Why mark it before it's frosted? Also, I don't even say that. Instead, I say {after "Fast as you can"}"Roll it up, Roll it up...{Dramatic pause} and THROW it in the pan!" Once again, who throws cake? But that's my version.) Notice the TONY'S seasoning and the LightSaber? Two must haves in every kitchen.
The finished product, displayed by two fabulous bakers in training.
(Notice the traces of frosting on their faces???)
The cake was as good as any cake from a box with no doctoring can be and we all really enjoyed the cake...though we left the corner with missing frosting for Jackson. (Notice my cricuit in the background? I went from having 2 cartridges to 7...well, I will be getting three really soon...what a great b.day present, right? Now my scrapbooks will have some variety!)
(Notice the traces of frosting on their faces???)
I love that my boys are so thoughtful that they wanted to do something special for Mommy and that they noticed that it was something I do for them.
10 Words to brighten my day:
How sweet! You are raising such thoughtful boys! And I'm totally jealous of you having 7 cricuit cartidges! I only have two :(
You'll have to explain the whole cricuit cartrides thing to me another time. I take it Jackson is feeling better now? Cake always makes the ickies go away!
Ok, I totally laughed out loud at the part where Brennan said you have to watch it stir or it can burn-that boy has been so traumatized by all of the fire alarm fiasco's in the past! That is too funny.
They did such a good job- they are beaming from the great work they did! What cutie pies!
Oh, and I am totally jealous that you have a cricut. I don't even scrap book and I STILL want one- those things are awesome! Will you post some pictures when you are done so I can see all of the cool things you can do with it?
Lexi, I am going to use it to cut out Mickey Mouse heads to make invites for Jack's b.day and then smaller heads to use as cupcake toppers (on a toothpick of course!)
That sounds really cute!
I have no idea what a cricuit is. I
thought that you misspelled something. I love your whole project with the boys: letting them pick out the cake and icing and all the rest. I think everyone sings a different version of pat-a-cake. Happy belated birthday, if i didn't say so earlier.
You can tell who scrapbooks and who doesn't huh? I'm so jealous you got a cricut! Now is it the 12 or the 24?? As soon as I saw the 24" I fell out of love the the 12... funny how that happens. Oh and 7 cartridges, they would be stolen if you lived closer to me :) Your boys are the cutest, sweetest things... and the pink icing, who could ask for more? Where was Bart during all of this?
That was really sweet that they wanted to bake you a cake. They did a great job too.
I'm a little jealous of the cricut too, and 7 cartridges!
I sing Pat a cake the same way, dramatic pause and all.
Poor old Bart was at work. He's baked me cakes before, too. For some reason all cakes baked for me by my boys are pink!
Jenn...I have the6x 12 inch. My mom has the 24. Though the bigger one would be great...if I really need something that large, I will very sweetly ask my favorite scrapper in Omaha if I can use hers :-)
I loved all the little notice comments in parentheses.... :) it was like a bonus seek-n-find in the pictures :)
I'm sure your favorite scrapper in Omaha would let you... you have been linked to other sites as "favorite" yourself.
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