As we all know, Jack is a bit accident prone.
He'd been doing really well, not needing a band aid in weeks.
He played outside.
In flip flops.
On a downhill driveway.
With lots of fun outdoor riding toys.
He scrapped both knees and one elbow (twice) and required bandaids, which his doting "ambulance crew" (A&S) applied.
He even fell once, scratched his arm again, and needed a bandaid ON TOP OF the bandaid he'd already gotten there (it tore in the fall)
Well, 4 of Sarah's 5 kids, who I am babysitting this week are girls. So, lots of pink, girliness abounds. Including...BARBIE BANDAIDS.
Jackson did not put up a fight when they placed the bandaids on freshly received wounds, but later on, once he'd had time to think about it, he says, "Mommy, can you give me a bath tonight?"
Me: Sure, Jack, you are dirty. Daddy might do it though.
J: NO! Daddy CANNOT do it.
Me: Why not? (very puzzled indeed)
J: Because, MOM, he CAN'T see my Barbie bandaids!
Needless to say, today I brought some plain ole "beige" bandaids, just in case...and good thing, because he fell (only once so far) and reopened an old wound.
***Disclaimer: I have NEVER told my children that Barbies are only for girls and trucks (or whatever) are only for boys. Brennan never cared what he played with or what color he wore, ate food off of, etc. Jackson does. He does not like to eat off of the pink IKEA plates, though his favorite drink is "pink milk" (aka strawberry milk) He is often telling me MY favorite colors are pink and purple because they are GIRL colors. I just respond, "Everybody likes different colors, Jack. I like black and I like green." I just wonder where he got these ideas from???